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Ordbok över svenska liknelser [Dictionary of Swedish Similes]

Alexej Alösjin

Publishing date: September 15, 2020

250 kr

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Did you know that the Swedish sun is brighter in Karlstad, and that Swedes stand up straight like Mora clocks?

Using similes will make your language richer, more beautiful and more varied. They also tell stories of Swedish society, personal relationships, and the conditions of everyday life.

Ordbok över svenska liknelser Dictionary of Swedish Similes – is a comprehensive collection of the fixed similes used in archaic and contemporary Swedish. Each simile is complemented with authentic examples from printed and digital media. The dictionary is made for teachers, writers, translators and anyone who is interested in the Swedish language.

  • More than 500 Swedish similes enable you to use a richer language.
  • Archaic expressions give insight into vernacular Sweden.
  • Newer expressions from literature and digital media show contemporary use.
  • A detailed index makes it possible to find what you are looking for.
  • Unique material not available in any other dictionary.

Alexej Alösjin is an associate professor and lecturer in Swedish as a foreign language, specialising in phraseology. He has been active in this field since 2008 and is the author and co-author of more than 80 scientific articles and monographs on Swedish proverbs and similes.

<p>Alexej Alösjin</p>

<p>Alexej Alösjin</p>


Alexej Alösjin is associate professor and head of Department of Foreign Languages at Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications.