Tacos, tvättstuga och tack för senast
Svenska vanor A–Ö
Mattias Axelsson
148 pages
135 kr
Why is Saturday the official day for candy and sweets? When did the Swedes start addressing each other with du? What does badkruka mean and why is this a typically Swedish concept? In this entertaining and informative guide about contemporary Sweden you get to learn everything you ever wanted to know about Swedish habits and traditions.
- Historical and contemporary traditions and festivals.
- Uniquely Swedish concepts: “passa på”, “bensträckare”, “lattepappa” and “egentid”.
- Concrete advice for taking part in events and gatherings: children’s parties, “brännboll” and the office Christmas party.
- Food and drink for informal and formal occasions.
- Typically Swedish behaviours and habits: VAB, queueing, queuing for Systembolaget.
![Mattias Axelsson](https://www.lysforlag.com/wp-content/uploads/Mattias-Axelsson-porträtt.jpg)
Mattias Axelsson
Mattias Axelsson is a teacher of history, religion and social sciences. He is a well-renowned expert on Swedish traditions and everyday life. He is regularly present in newspapers and radio on these topics. Mattias is also known as the last person curating the official Twitter account of Sweden.
Mattias is the author of Tacos, tvättstuga och tack för senast. An English translation of the book will be published in early 2020.
Said about the book
Mattias Axelssons alster är oerhört svårt att lägga ifrån sig. Rekommenderas reservationslöst.
Verkligen en fantastisk liten bok.
Press Coverage
Snedtänkt podcast – Sveriges radio December 19, 2019
Mattias Axelsson uncovers about Swedish habits – Göteborg direkt 7/11 2019
There is no threat on Christmas – Aftonbladet November 5, 2019
Halloween is a Swedish tradition – SVT opinion October 31, 2019
Nationalsången är inte alls förbjuden på skolavslutningen (The National anthem is not banned for end-of-semester celebrations) – Expressen
Att var rädd för det nya är inget nytt – (To fear the new is nothing new) Aftonbladet
Därför äter vi ägg på påsken – (Why we eat eggs for Easter) Expressen
What’s missing?
There may be many, subjective, opinions on what is typically Swedish, and you might think there’s something important missing in Tacos, tvättstuga och tack för senast.
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